Friday, January 9, 2009

What Most People Thought..

I was in Mango hunting for new collections of their outfits when Andrea, my classmate, called me by phone. I unintentionally click the 'reject' button, therefore directly I sent a message to her. But when I was typing, her call came to me. Her husky voice sounded really excited when she got me to know that our result was announced on the university official website. I was like "Mati gw, srius lo?! Nah lho..aduh gimana nih? Mati deh gw..". She asked me to open the website immediately, but unfortunately I have no laptop around me, or even something that can be used to open the website. Finally, I asked her to open mine. I let her know my student number and my passport number as the access to open my account. While she opened my result and performance, I was so nervous either fretting.

After those several seconds..

I was kind of over-reacting and excited when she mentioned my GPA and my standing. I spoke with a loud power of voice, "Ha? Srius lo, ndre?!" Hahaha..I didn't even mind that everyone was staring at me at the time. As I said before, I was over-reacting and excited. I was surprised by the result. It was more than I expected before. I didn't even have any encouragement to estimate that kind of result ;p Nothing I could say and do. I was just so grateful and thankful for being blessed this way.

Emh, anyways..Saya ingin mengeluarkan unek-unek saya selama ini. Kalo selama ini saya ditanya, "Ngambil jurusan apa, Da?".
"Ooh..Design..Enak ya, gambar-gambar doang.."
(Mmh iya sih..Memang kok, menggambar itu suatu hal yang fun kok..)
Tapi yang paling nggak enak kalo ada nada-nada: "Aduh, kalo gitu enak banget dong ya ngambil Design..Kan gampang banget tuh gambar-gambar doang.." (Walaupun sampai sekarang belum pernah ada yang mengatakan hal ini kepada saya dengan kalimat se-eksplisit itu).
"Pala lo peyang gampang! Gak segampang itu njiiiiiiiiii*g!!!"

Sumpah. Saya berani mengutuk orang yang bilang kalo kuliah Design itu gampang. "Tinggal gambar-gambar doang..Persis kayak anak TK.." (Sampe ada yang bilang kayak gini, beneran saya cincang!) Pertamanya saya memang agak menjurus berpikiran seperti itu. Kuliah Design itu pasti fun..Menggambar, main warna. Tapi sekarang, serius deh, saya menyesali perspektif cetek saya itu. Di tengah-tengah proses mengerjakan tugas kuliah sampai larut malam, satu hal yang ada dalam pikiran saya: Ternyata gak sesimpel itu yah.. Saya pernah mengerjakan tugas salah satu module kuliah dari pagi jam 10 non-stop (just out for lunch or bath) sampe tengah malam, di satu spot yang sama -dan parahnya lagi..- masih dengan posisi duduk lesehan yang sama. Well, ini masih tahun pertama kuliah. Belum lagi di semester-semester berikutnya bakal lebih advanced, lebih teoritikal dan hafalan (see? Design ada hafalan juga, tong!), verbally presentation, et cetera..

Dari dulu saya memang berambisi untuk kuliah Design. Di kala teman-teman saya menjawab "Kedokteran", "Teknik ini teknik itu", dan segala tetek bengek saat ditanya jurusan apa yang akan dipilih setelah SMA, saya dengan mantap menjawab: "Design".
Saya cuma berpikir, 'Udah deh, cukup 12 taun otak kiri dipake secara aktif. Demi keadilan, sekarang saatnya otak kanan yang punya eksistensi..Hahaha..'
So, no more chemistry, physics dan semua yang telah menguras dan mempekerja-rodikan otak kiri saya.

Okay, the point is..don't ever hesitate with your own decision and trust yourself that you can do it with your own way. Selama kamu mencintai bidang tertentu, kamu pasti bisa mewujudkan yang terbaik. Make a wish everyone!

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